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Phone Screen   v1.0

Make a great first impression on your phone screening interview! Phone Screen includes expert advice on each step in the process, from preparing for a phone screen to questions to ask and following up. Being well prepared for a phone screen will greatly increase your chances of being asked in for in-person interviews.
  • starts off with a Pop Quiz, that helps you calibrate your ideas of what a telephone screen is all about
  • study the expert advice in the Guide, with in-depth information on topics including Why a Telephone Screen, How to Prepare, During the Phone Call, Questions to Anticipate, Questions to Ask, Closing and Follow-up
  • in-depth material on the most important questions that are often asked in a phone screen, with strategies for answering and what to avoid
  • gives you a permanent tool for rehearsing your answers as needed
  • change the text size of the all of the expert advice, questions and supporting material
  • email yourself a “crib sheet” with all the question material and your personalized answers

This preview will introduce you to all of the main screens and features included in the Phone Screen application.

To install this application, search for 'Phone Screen' in the App Store.          


The first screens you will see walk you through a quick quiz to calibrate how current your knowledge of phone screens is. Just tap on the flash cards to see the recommended answers:


Next you can review each of the in-depth expert advice topics:

Questions to Ask

Here is an excerpt from one of the Guide topics, that gives you detailed information on questions to ASK near the end of a phone screen:

Questions to Rehearse

This section includes all of the most frequently asked questions in phone screens:

Study Guide - Part 1

Here's some strategic advice for one of the questions:

Study Guide - Part 2

And here's even more tips for preparing your answer:


This is where you can record your own personal best answer, for later rehearsal:

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